Among the vast ancient Sanskrit writings known as the Vedas, the 108 Upanishads contain the philosophical essence.
And among all the Upanishads the Ishopanishad is considered the foremost. In the following essay, we learn the truth about the Supreme Lord, The laws governing his material and spiritual energies, and how to break free of the bondage of Karma.
The Ishopanishad states that the supreme personality of godhead is "perfect and complete". 'Part of the lord's complete arrangement for this material world is his process of creation, maintenance and destruction.
Every living being in this material world has a fixed schedule of 6 changes: birth, growth, maintenance, and the production of by products, diminution and destruction. This is the law of material nature. A flower is born as a bud. It grows remains fresh for 2 or 3 days, produces a seed, gradually withers, and then is finished. You cannot stop this by you are so called material science. To try to do so is Avidya, ignorance.
Sometimes people foolishly think that by scientific advancement man will become immortal. This is nonsense. You cannot stop the material laws. Therefore in the Bhagavad Gita (7.14) Lord Krishna says that the material energy is duratyaya, impossible to overcome by material means. Material nature consists of three modes, or gunas: sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna, or the modes of goodness passion and the ignorance.
Another meaning of guna is "Rope".
Rope is made by twisting fibre in threefold process. First the fibre is twisted in three small strands, and three of them are twisted together, then again three of those twisted together. In this way Rope becomes very strong. Similarly the three modes of nature: goodness passion and strong. ignorance--are mixed, after which they produce some by product. Then they are mixed again and again and then again. Thus they are "twisted together" in innumerable times.
In this way the material energy binds you are more and more.
By your own efforts you cannot get out of this bondage which is known as pavarga. Pa-varga is is set of fifth letters in the Sanskrit Devanagari alphabet.
It contains the letters pa, pha,ba, bha and ma.
Pa stands for parishrama, "hard labour". Every living entity in this world is struggling very hard to maintain himself and survive. This is called that hard struggle for existence.
Pha stands for phena, "foam". When a horse works very hard foam comes out of its mouth, similarly when we are tired from working very hard, our tongue may become dry and some foam forms in our mouth. Everyone is working very hard for sense gratification. So much so that foam is coming from their mouth.
Ba represents bandha, "Bondage". In spite of all our efforts, we remain bound up by the ropes of the material modes of nature.
Bha stands or Bhaya, "fear". In material life one is always in a blazing fire of fear, since no one knows what will happen next.
And ma represent mratyu, "death". All our hopes and plans for happiness and security in this world are ended by death. So Krishna consciousness nullifies this pavarga process.
In other words by taking to Krishna consciousness one attains apavarga, where there is no hard struggle for existence and no material bondage, fear or death. Pavarga symptomizes this material world, but when you add the prefix "a" to pavarga, that means it is nullified. Our Krishna consciousness movement is the part of Apavarga.
Unfortunately people do not know of these things and therefore they are wasting their lives. This modern civilization is a soul-killing Civilization. People are killing themselves because they do not know what real life is. They are simply living like animals.
The animal does not know what life is, So he simply works under the laws of nature undergoing gradual evolution. But when you get this human form of life, you have responsibility to live in different way.
Here is a chance for you become Krishna conscious and solve all all problems. But if you don't----if you continue to act like animals--- you will again have to enter the cycle birth and death and transmigrate through 84,00,000 species of life.
It will take many many millions of years to come back to the human form of life. For example the sun sign you are seeing now you will not see again until after 24 hours. Everything in nature moves in a cycle. So if you lose this opportunity of elevating yourself then you again must enter the cycle of transmigration. Nature's law is very strong.
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And among all the Upanishads the Ishopanishad is considered the foremost. In the following essay, we learn the truth about the Supreme Lord, The laws governing his material and spiritual energies, and how to break free of the bondage of Karma.
The Ishopanishad states that the supreme personality of godhead is "perfect and complete". 'Part of the lord's complete arrangement for this material world is his process of creation, maintenance and destruction.
Every living being in this material world has a fixed schedule of 6 changes: birth, growth, maintenance, and the production of by products, diminution and destruction. This is the law of material nature. A flower is born as a bud. It grows remains fresh for 2 or 3 days, produces a seed, gradually withers, and then is finished. You cannot stop this by you are so called material science. To try to do so is Avidya, ignorance.
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Image have all standard licence belongs to Concerned person. Copying is purely offensive. |
Sometimes people foolishly think that by scientific advancement man will become immortal. This is nonsense. You cannot stop the material laws. Therefore in the Bhagavad Gita (7.14) Lord Krishna says that the material energy is duratyaya, impossible to overcome by material means. Material nature consists of three modes, or gunas: sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna, or the modes of goodness passion and the ignorance.
Another meaning of guna is "Rope".
Rope is made by twisting fibre in threefold process. First the fibre is twisted in three small strands, and three of them are twisted together, then again three of those twisted together. In this way Rope becomes very strong. Similarly the three modes of nature: goodness passion and strong. ignorance--are mixed, after which they produce some by product. Then they are mixed again and again and then again. Thus they are "twisted together" in innumerable times.
In this way the material energy binds you are more and more.
By your own efforts you cannot get out of this bondage which is known as pavarga. Pa-varga is is set of fifth letters in the Sanskrit Devanagari alphabet.
It contains the letters pa, pha,ba, bha and ma.
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Image have all standard licence belongs to Concerned person. Copying is purely offensive. |
Pa stands for parishrama, "hard labour". Every living entity in this world is struggling very hard to maintain himself and survive. This is called that hard struggle for existence.
Pha stands for phena, "foam". When a horse works very hard foam comes out of its mouth, similarly when we are tired from working very hard, our tongue may become dry and some foam forms in our mouth. Everyone is working very hard for sense gratification. So much so that foam is coming from their mouth.
Ba represents bandha, "Bondage". In spite of all our efforts, we remain bound up by the ropes of the material modes of nature.
Bha stands or Bhaya, "fear". In material life one is always in a blazing fire of fear, since no one knows what will happen next.
And ma represent mratyu, "death". All our hopes and plans for happiness and security in this world are ended by death. So Krishna consciousness nullifies this pavarga process.
In other words by taking to Krishna consciousness one attains apavarga, where there is no hard struggle for existence and no material bondage, fear or death. Pavarga symptomizes this material world, but when you add the prefix "a" to pavarga, that means it is nullified. Our Krishna consciousness movement is the part of Apavarga.
Unfortunately people do not know of these things and therefore they are wasting their lives. This modern civilization is a soul-killing Civilization. People are killing themselves because they do not know what real life is. They are simply living like animals.
The animal does not know what life is, So he simply works under the laws of nature undergoing gradual evolution. But when you get this human form of life, you have responsibility to live in different way.
Here is a chance for you become Krishna conscious and solve all all problems. But if you don't----if you continue to act like animals--- you will again have to enter the cycle birth and death and transmigrate through 84,00,000 species of life.
It will take many many millions of years to come back to the human form of life. For example the sun sign you are seeing now you will not see again until after 24 hours. Everything in nature moves in a cycle. So if you lose this opportunity of elevating yourself then you again must enter the cycle of transmigration. Nature's law is very strong.